Directions to Lolaido House
The best method to get to our location is via Google Maps and enter
K34Y397 This will bring you to our door.
Google Earth reference 53 33'51.40N, 06 07'47.45W
Using the GPS (Garmin, TomTom etc) NLJ-54-PM9 (Loc8 GPS code)
There is now an electronic TOLL on M50 between J6 and J7 see for more information
From the city centre
Follow directions towards the AIRPORT. When you pass the Port Tunnels you will be on the M1 (exit 1 is for M50, exit 2 is for Dublin Airport/Swords, exit 3 is for Swords, exit 4 is for Skerries/Lusk/Rush/Donabate/Ardgillan Castle,exit 5/6/7 is for Balbriggan)
After you pass the exit (1) to the M50 be prepared for merging traffic from the M50. (I would recommend you stay in the right lane and keep up with the traffic speed limit is speed camera can be here ) Continue on the M1 where you will see an overhead sign for SWORDS. You will NOT take this exit (3). The next exit (4) is for SKERRIES / RUSH / DONABATE / ARDGILLAN CASTLE. It is route R132. Exit here.
From Dublin Airport
Once you exit the Airport head straight for M1. Stay left and enter M1 towards Belfast (Northbound). Take this exit and continue on the M1 for 5 mins (Speed limit is 120km). After crossing 2 bridges you take the exit (4) for route R132 (Donabate, Skerries, and Rush and Ardgillan Castle).
At this exit turn right and head through the next roundabout towards Skerries, continue on the dual carriageway and proceed through 2 new roundabouts. There is a junction to the right after the "TopOil" garage on the Left hand side. Here you will turn right on the R127 towards Skerries / Lusk / Rush.
As you approach Lusk , there is now a new link road roundabout. You may turn right and go through the roundabouts turning right at the last one. This is the quicker route and we recommend this option.
Alternately, you can go into Lusk village. Continue on till you come to Murrays Pub which will be on your right. Here you will veer to the left. There are speed bumps (5 in all) through the town of Lusk. Follow signs for Skerries.
Keep to the left towards Skerries. Continue on and go straight through the roundabout. After 2 miles you will see a sign on your left hand side for Skerries Mills, this sign recommends buses and coaches to take the next right turn. You do not take this turn. You will be taking the next right turn.
The road will then narrow but the surface is good with trees on either side.
You take the right turn at the next signed posted crossroads. (There is a signpost for Lolaido House B & B at this turn.) There is also a sign for the "Daffodil Art Gallery" on the left hand side. Your right turn will be sharp and continue up the hill to the 4th House.